Wednesday, 22 January 2014


Since my mid-teens I have not really been a fan of snacking.  It's not that I have anything against it, I just never really had the desire. When I was a student this had the distinct advantage of saving me quite a bit if cash. It also contributed to me maintaining my scrawny teenage physique for longer than I had any right to expect.

One big advantage I had in the snack stakes was that I didn't have a sweet tooth. As such i could walk past a vending machine without having my head turned and sugary drinks had no appeal. Try abstaining from sugar. Soon any cravings will stop and your trousers will fit again.

Now I have written the above in the past tense. Sadly this was intentional. Things have shifted somewhat in the last year or so. I can pinpoint the exact event that caused it... moving out of London. In a stroke I stopped walking as much as I did and became aware of how many calories can be burned by being late and running to the bus stop. Worse, I moved in with a confirmed chocoholic. Before this I never had snacks in the house. Why would I?  I didn't like them. Suddenly I found myself surrounded by seductively packaged sweets. Of course while they were there I ate them either out of boredom or because it becomes rude to refuse continual kind offers to share. These two facts combined to have a devastating impact on the belt line.

Normally rhis wouldn't bother me too much beyond the irritation of having to buy new clothes. However recently said chocoholic agreed to be my wife. So far so good except I have the privilege of being Scottish and want to get maried in my kilt. The kilt I have had since I was 17. The kilt which is now struggling to fit!

Cue a strict (ish) diet. Obviously the easiest way to cut down calories  and hence weight is to stop snacking. I shouldn't miss it that much right? Sadly wrong. Somehow the idea that I can't have something even though it was something I didn't really like in the first place has made it tremendously appealing. In short I have started craving snacks. Refusing them has become a tremendous act of will power.

So with 8 months to go; wish me luck!


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